Monday, March 18, 2013

2013 Top 5 Wedding Favors

Preparation of wedding favors for your guests after visiting your wedding is one of the best ways you can show your appreciation. You can customize not only to as memorable as you want, but you can literally prepare almost everything. That being said, there are so many options to choose from that it was a bit overwhelming. We will refine your selection for the Top 5 wedding favors trend in 2013.

Personalized coffee mugs stuck to the top of the list because of their adaptation and everyday use for the whole house. Put your name, wedding date, initials, location, or something that goes with your wedding date on the cups to personalize it. Add a small box of tea bags, coffee, candy or other small tokens to fill the cup! This unforgettable cup fill the homes of your guests and keep them talking about the wonderful time they had on your special day.

Gift Bags hangovers tend to list wedding favor for the last two years and a great success 2013 get middle buckets or boxes and wrap a fun banner around the outside for a personal touch. Add a personal bottle of water, a sleeping mask, Tylenol, and maybe a Starbucks gift card to help them through the day after the feast of the wedding night. Your guests will be more than grateful for the reflection on the next day when they wake up!

Wine always a big favor. They are easy to buy in bulk and perfect for customizing labels! Add a fun corkscrew, bottle stopper, or a couple glasses of wine for flavor. There are a variety of wines to choose to be a little creative and choose a few favorites to refine your selection.

Unique Bottle Opener is small and perfect for wedding favors. You can burn it and make it unique to your special day. Add a bit of ribbon around the top and in a box and send cute with your guests at the end of the night, so you dance when they come home!

This type of support took a turn on me when it hit the charts as a top idea for donations to charities instead of giving favors! I thought it was a wonderful idea, and apparently many others. Choose one or two charities that you choose a gift they want to do from there. Before you prepare your guests leave, make an announcement, and set the table, so they can donate at night. This type of support will not only save money, but it's very rewarding to give back.

Every bride and groom wants to remember their guests how much fun they had and the next wedding favors are the perfect characters to wrap a good night. Regardless wedding favor your attention, do not forget to show it personally to your guests’ appreciation for their participation in such a special evening. Take some time to think about what you want to offer and your spouse, set aside to think of a reasonable budget, and the creative side take control!